Monday, December 14, 2009

Jeff Richardson & Steven Drozd - Do They Know It's Christmas?

**UPDATE** Thank you for dowloading the Nice People Holiday Single. We purchased licensing for 1000 digital copies of this cover song. On Christmas night, we reached our 1000th download. If you didn't get a copy, check around. I bet your friends did! And, if they're still in the spirit of the holidays, they'll probably send a copy to you. Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! **UPDATE**

Jeff Richardson (Locust Avenue) called me to book a day in the studio to record a cover of Do They Know It's Christmas? When he showed up for the session, he had Steven Drozd (Flaming Lips) with him. I can't even begin to describe how much fun I had working on that session. And, the song turned out really great! The guys didn't really have a plan for what to do with the song, outside of emailing it to friends. I felt that it would be a shame for this great cover to be kept so secret. So, I offered to make this cover the 2009 Nice People Holiday Single. They were excited about the idea. So, Nice People picked up the tab for licensing the cover and we're making it available to you for free. We really hope you'll enjoy this fantastic version of the 1984 Band Aid Christmas classic. Have a great holiday season! And, thank you all so much for your support of Nice People.

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